womans with long thick eyelashes

Latisse® Lash Treatment in City Name, State

What is Latisse®?

closeup of woman's eye with long eyelashes

Your eyes are the window to your soul. Why not update the drapes? Latisse® is a prescription strength treatment for thin or short eyelashes that works by stimulating lash growth. Instead of mascara or false eyelashes, your natural lashes grow longer and thicker, giving you a more awake and refreshed appearance.

Benefits of Latisse®

  • Helps grow your own natural lashes in 12 to 16 weeks
  • Apply at home
  • No more false lashes or heavy-duty mascara
  • FDA approved

What Can I Expect During a Latisse® Lash Treatment?

While Latisse® is an at-home treatment, it’s important to visit us first to make sure it is safe for you to use and there are no contraindications. After your consultation, we will prescribe you the treatment for you to complete at home. You apply Latisse® with a brush to the base of your eyelashes before bedtime each night. As you sleep, it helps boost lash growth. Results are visible in 12-16 weeks.

Latisse® Before and After Photos from ABC ENT Center in City Name, State. 

Want long, luscious lashes? Try Latisse®. Here are some before and after photos from patients just like you.

Ready for a Latisse® Lash Lift?

With Latisse®, your own lashes become thick and full. Although the treatment is largely performed at home, we will follow up with you to make sure you’re happy with your results. To find out if Latisse® is right for you, schedule a consultation.

Discover if Latisse® is the right choice for you. Call Us

Call 123-456-7890